Interactive Entertainment in APAC: Q&A with dentsu gaming

Kako će Dentsu Gaming Method poboljšati primenjenu nauku o igrama, slično VR/AR i Metaverse? Koji su ključni elementi koje proizvođači treba da uzmu u obzir kada su u pitanju ove nove opcije?

Zabrinuti razvojem i integracijom novih primenjenih nauka, nastojimo ne samo da obezbedimo robusnija i impresivnija iskustva igranja, već i da postavimo visoko letvicu u smislu dostizanja industrijskog uspeha. Često dobijamo pitanja o prednostima kreiranja brendiranih regiona od nule u metaverzumu ili vlasničkim digitalnim regionima, i često je ispravno proceniti šta je prikladno za model i što je zapravo od značajne vrednosti za publiku. Шта.

Što se tiče dovođenja kreatora u digitalni svet, mi smo u važnoj fazi u VR, što je važan ulazni nivo u metaverzumu. Potiskuju ga jedinice, kao što je Oculus Quest 2, i sve veći repertoar impresivnih, impresivnih iskustava. VR se pretvara u sve veću društvenu specijalizaciju, tako da moramo da se pobrinemo da oblasti koje stvaramo unutar ovih digitalnih svetova budu bezbedne i inkluzivne za sve i da kreatori uključuju stručnost u odnosu na to da odvlači pažnju.

Kako raste izvozni sektor unutar APAC-a? Kako kreatori mogu uspešno da komuniciraju sa publikom esporta širom regiona i širom sveta?

Unutar APAC-a, esport se ne samo pretvara u mejnstrim, već se brzo pretvara i u sopstvenu fazu privatnog poslovanja.

Recently, we’ve seen eSports gain recognition through the growth of reputation and audiences as a credible sport, and so on through appearances on more and more big leagues, tournaments, award swimming pools and mainstream broadcasts. From. This has made the event an entire phase of business dedicated to the creation, organizing, selling and promotion of the sport.

Now we’ve also seen more and more from business partners and regional groups that the nature of the esports audience in APAC differs from region to region. Followers of esports carry with them a strong sense of joy and support for native groups nationwide.

These audiences not only play more, watch more, but also demand more, higher content content, more varied depictions and richer experiences. With more than half of the world’s gaming residents in Asia, it’s too big for manufacturers to ignore the opportunity. Non-endemic (or non-gaming) producers see sponsorship as an option to get in motion, but work with game publishers and league organizers to ensure that the options are extra built-in and collaborative. should do. ‘Really adding value to the audience.

What are the key features of Dentsu Gaming through investing in a gaming start-up? Which particular areas are being investigated (if any)?

Dentsu Gaming is dedicated to contributing to the organization and expansion of the entire gaming business. Based primarily on assets already owned by Dentsu, we can consider as the next attractive areas for strategic funding; In-game promotion, e-commerce and information administration expertise, community-based platforms that bridge multiple video game and content content builders, creating new gaming experiences similar to 3D improvements.

We also have 100%-Dentsu owned authentic game improvement studio, SMG Studio, mostly based out of Australia. We are also exploring options to allow SMG Studios to collaborate with various creatively led game studios to take advantage of Dentsu Group’s ability to help take these titles to market.

Collectively, SMG Studio and Dentsu have been able to obtain licensing options for leisure and popular culture IP, in addition to offering builders to manufacturers. This allows manufacturers to tap into gaming at an integration level that was previously not considered possible.

How are producers, each regionally and globally, analyzing in-game promotions? What should entrepreneurs consider here compared to the different types of in-app promotion?

Manufacturers are aware that gaming is full of options and are currently testing out various methods to make their approach in gaming. In-game promotional mannequin is what the makers want to engage the gaming house with an approach that does not disrupt the consumer’s gameplay and presents advertisements in a view similar to that of real life.

Ipak, ekosistem oglašavanja u igri može biti veoma napredan i brzo se razvija. Što se tiče onoga što se čini kao nove opcije za proizvođače, moramo imati na umu da je ovo toliko prepoznatljivo i novo, da verovatno neće odmah biti u suprotnosti sa raznovrsnošću promocija u aplikaciji.

Zbog toga, preduzetnici moraju da uzmu u obzir način razmišljanja igrača u svakom trenutku nakon promocije u igri – kako mogu da stvore vrednost u kući za igre?


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