MPPGCL (Madhya Pradesh Power Generating Company Limited ) Jobs Notification 2023 453 Assistant / Junior Engineer, Manager, Accounts Officer Post Apply Online
MPPGCL (Madhya Pradesh Power Generating Company Limited ) has opened up 453 vacancy Jobs 453 Assistant / Junior Engineer, Manager, Accounts Officer
Posts. qualified And Interested Candidates can do all the Apply Online On Or Before 16-03-2023 (16 March 2023). job seekers are invited to apply this post. Eligibility detail and application process is given in the below notification. MPPGCL (Madhya Pradesh Power Generating Company Limited ) Jobs 2023 - 453 Assistant / Junior Engineer, Manager, Accounts Officer Post is mentioned belowMPPGCL (Madhya Pradesh Power Generating Company Limited ) Jobs 2023 Detailed Jobs Information -
Total Post Of No. -
453 postsName And No. of Posts -
Post on Regular Basis 1. Assistant Engineer/ Manager (Technical / Distribution / Transmission)Trainee - 13
2. Assistant Engineer/ Manager (Civil) Trainee - 06
3. Accounts Officer/ Manager (Finance) Trainee - 46
4. Fire Officer-Trainee - 02
5. Law Officer-Trainee - 02
6. Shift Chemist Trainee - 15
7. Manager (HR)-Trainee - 10
8. Junior Engineer Plant (Mechanical) Trainee - 53
9. Junior Engineer Plant (Electronics) Trainee - 17
10. Junior Engineer/ Assistant Manager (Plant /Technical / Distribution / Transmission) Trainee - 240 11. Junior Engineer/ Assistant Manager (Civil) Trainee -
Post on Contract Basis
12. Management Executive - 04
13. Law Officer/ Legal Executive - 04
14. Manager (HR) - 01 posts