(Eastern Railway) Jobs Notification 2022 www.er.indianrailways.gov.in 2975 Apprentices Post Apply Online
(Eastern Railway) has opened up 2975 vacancy Jobs 2975 Apprentices
Posts. qualified And Interested Candidates can do all the Apply Online On Or Before 10-05-2022 (10 May 2022). job seekers are invited to apply this post. Eligibility detail and application process is given in the below notification. (Eastern Railway) Jobs 2022 - 2975 Apprentices Post is mentioned below(Eastern Railway) Jobs 2022 Detailed Jobs Information -
Total Post Of No. -
2975 postsName And No. of Posts -
1. Fitter - 10402. Welder - 338
3. Mech(MV) - 09
4. Mech(Dsl.) - 158
5. Machinist - 95
6. Carpenter - 26
7. Painter - 45
8. Lineman (General) - 10
9. Wireman - 60
10. Ref.& AC Mech. - 38
11. Electrician - 533
12. Mechanic Machine Tool Maint.(MM TM) - 09
13. Turner - 79
14. Electrician Fitter - 34
15. FCO - 07
16. Oil Engine Driver/P - 04
17. Oil Engine Driver/AC - 07
18. AC Fitter - 13
19. Mech Fitter - 114
20. DSL/Fitter - 10
21. Blacksmith - 32
22. Welder (G&E) - 314 posts
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